Going to GA? Join our Beacons of Light workshop!

Going to GA? Join our Beacons of Light workshop!

Hey all you jazzy creative justice makers! 

Last month we issued a call to join us at the upcoming General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Portland, Oregon. We’ve heard back from many of you who are doing some wonderful justice organizing and actions in your communities. So join us! We have one spot left share in our workshop. Read below for all the details, and if you aren’t planning on going to GA, we will share all the great resources afterwards. Stay tuned!

In faith,
Jen and Nora

We are excited to announce our upcoming Standing on the Side of Love workshop at that 2015 UUA General Assembly, called: Beacons of Light: Inspire and Fund UU Changemakers. This workshop will be an exciting chance to hear from folks who are on the frontlines of creative change-making, including leaders like Jen Hayman, who together with her congregation at All Souls Church Unitarian DC, helped create a flash mob for voting rights on the steps of the Supreme Court. 

We know all of you are committed Love Activists, and we are always looking for ways to bring new folks into our spiritual and justice communities, right? Infusing our justice work with not only love, but the arts and creativity is a phenomenal way to encourage more multigenerational involvement, and pique the interest of folks who may not otherwise get engaged in justice work.

So, here’s what we are doing: during our workshop at the upcoming UUA General Assembly in Portland, each presenter will have 5-7 minutes to pitch a creative justice project idea.  Maybe you’ve had an idea in the works for awhile, but need some extra money to make it happen. Or, maybe you just want to come watch as a participant and get inspired by the great projects others are pitching and help vote for who will get the grand prize!  

Not sure what we mean by a creative justice project? Take a look at the flash mob for voting rights as a great example. But there are tons of others types of projects, large and small that you create: maybe a video for your congregational website that includes animation talking about your justice work, or maybe a large public art installation on love and justice. Maybe you feel inspired to paint a large Black Lives Matter mural on your congregational walls, and want to pitch this project to get the funding for supplies and snacks and make it a Community Art Day in collaboration with local groups organizing for racial justice.

The workshop will include time for Q & A and taking it home to think about ways to bring these ideas back to your congregation, social justice communities and more.

We want to hear from you! Interested in pitching an idea and be a participant in the workshop? Then fill out this form and we will get back to you to let you know if your idea has been accepted! We can’t wait to hear what exciting projects you have in the works.

Standing on the Side of Love with Deported Veterans

Standing on the Side of Love with Deported Veterans

Walking With Jeanette: Help us take action today!

Walking With Jeanette: Help us take action today!