Surprise Lessons in Congregational Transformation: August Green Sanctuary Community Meeting

Surprise Lessons in Congregational Transformation: August Green Sanctuary Community Meeting

The Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice framework guided the First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor's climate leaders to change the way they look at their work... or make that the congregation's work. UUAA has a history of environmentalism that has mostly focused on mitigation: on decreasing their carbon footprint. Enrolling in GS2030 guided them to rethink things -- to look more at climate justice (yikes! that's hard!) and congregational transformation (what is that?) As a result, they have sparked more cross-group collaborations, increased our community outreach activities, and, well, maybe they're having more impact!

Screenshot of Zoom attendees

We had a fantastic kick-off to our fall Green Sanctuary 2030 Community meetings last night with Surprise Lessons in Congregational Transformation.

The discussion, led by Sandy Simon and Edward Lynn of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor covered so much ground! From Radical Welcome to Racial Justice to Relationships to Visioning Processes to Energy Wonk questions, this was one incredibly informative conversation. Check it out:

As we think about how to transform our congregations through climate justice, relationships are key. And anytime you're building relationships, there is potential for conflict. Our September GS2030 Community Meeting will cover Navigating Conflict in Our Climate Work with Restorative Conflict Circles with Wendy Weirick. RSVP today!

Also, don't forget to RSVP for Visionary Approaches to Federal Clean Energy Funding on August 29 to learn how your congregation can put your faith into action to advance visionary approaches to clean energy funding with justice at the center.

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