From Texas to Ukraine: Interdependence Over Imperialism

From Texas to Ukraine: Interdependence Over Imperialism

Dear Beloveds,

There is so much to mourn. As Russia invades Ukraine, the violence has already killed hundreds and displaced thousands, and presents terrifying possibilities for escalation toward global war. In Texas, Governor Abbott’s most recent efforts to prevent kids from receiving life-saving gender affirmation care will lead to the trauma and death of our precious trans and non-binary children. 

Our hearts are heavy today. On top of the deep weariness and fear we collectively have been navigating, these latest headlines feel like too much to bear. We are with you in grief and rage. 

Both the invasion of Ukraine and this latest attack on trans children stem from legacies of imperialism and colonization, rooted in the belief that one group of people should have authority over the decisions and freedoms of another. And as centuries of human history have shown, whenever the State prioritizes its own ideology and interests over the agency and self-determination of the people, violence is inevitable. 

Our faith aspires to build a different kind of world. At its best, Unitarian Universalism gracefully holds at its center a reverence for both the individual and the collective. Our congregations covenant to affirm and promote “the inherent worth and dignity of every human being” alongside “respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” In practice, this means working for a world in which individual freedoms are in balance with collective thriving. It means we must unequivocally reaffirm our commitment to protecting and supporting our trans and non-binary family, in Texas and across the globe. It means we must elect and hold accountable leaders who have the power to resist and repair the wounds of colonialism and imperialism, working at the global level for policies that uphold the dignity of all peoples and the well-being of our Earth and the entire human family. 

Sometimes, the overwhelming flood of emotions on a day like today can make us freeze with fear and powerlessness. The good news, however, is that because our struggles for justice are so deeply interconnected, we can always take meaningful actions that are part of much bigger solutions. In the words of the Transgender Education Network of Texas today: 

From denying our freedom to decide when, if [and] how to start a family, to blocking Black, young [and] new Americans' freedom to vote, to banning children from learning the truth of our past so they can shape a better future, politicians… hold onto power by dividing us. This handful of politicians know that if we join together, we will demand the basic rights and resources that all of our families need and deserve – and we will win.

In the coming days and weeks, there will be lots of opportunities for collective action in service of that world we yearn for and imagine together. As always, Side With Love will be in conversation with our partners, discerning how Unitarian Universalists can best serve the movements working for justice–and we will support UUs across the country in taking meaningful action. Interfaith coalitions are already making plans to secure refugee and temporary protected status for people displaced by the invasion of Ukraine, and we are working closely with state and national organizations to mobilize protection for trans children in Texas and to strategically combat anti-trans legislation nationwide. Stay tuned through our Action Center for concrete ways to get involved.

Until then, know that you are part of a great network of people working in a thousand different ways to create that world in which we are all both radically free and radically interdependent. Pray, weep, march, connect, agitate, fundraise, shout–do whatever your spirit needs to ground again in the wellspring of hope and imagination that will sustain you to take your shift when the time comes. 

We are grateful to be in it together for the long haul.

In faith and solidarity,

Rev. Ashley Horan
Organizing Strategy Director 
Side With Love - Unitarian Universalist Association

Join us on 3/15 to learn how to combat anti-trans legislation in your state

Join us on 3/15 to learn how to combat anti-trans legislation in your state

Recording & Resources for Skill Up: Crafting Words That Inspire Action - Letters to the Editor

Recording & Resources for Skill Up: Crafting Words That Inspire Action - Letters to the Editor