We're Reviving Love - Join us!

We're Reviving Love - Join us!

We at Standing on the Side of Love have an opportunity to talk about and embody the love of the UU faith regularly. Our work moves us into deeper conversations about how we can show up rooted in deep love. There are lessons we know from our own journeys about loving ourselves and each other that are relevant to our work for transformation and justice.

In many cases, this kind of love is not easy. I wrote about this in Why Movements Need to Revive Love:

“Loving has been the hardest work of my life because it has asked me to resist the belief that intimacy and proximity are an excuse for my worst behavior. Love has pushed me to not blame the people closest to me for my personal suffering or my suffering under structural oppression. Love has asked me to stay in it with someone or something: to do things that are scary or boring. 

It has asked me to intervene or interrupt broken patterns in personal and movement relationships. It has made me come back after making humiliating mistakes. Love has made me more faithful to what I believe in word and deed. bell hooks talks about love as the idea of being committed to the spiritual growth of the other. Love is the creature larger than myself nudging me forward on the path when I am digging my heels in on the ground of my own ego and cynicism.”

It is from these experiences, that we return to our work - rooted in love. And it is through that lens, that we have launched the #ReviveLove Tour this Fall.

Because of your generosity and love, we already have raised $3,395 toward our goal of $10,000. We have 12 days left to pledge the rest of $6,605! Will you help us? If everyone reading this email pledged $5 we would meet our goal within the next 24 hours. If we can meet and surpass our goal, it will help us share more love and shine more light on our Unitarian Universalist faith in the world. Please make your pledge today! Together we can revive love in all of our hearts and by sharing live more deeply into our faith values. 

We need just $275 each day to meet our goal of $10,000 and get on the road. Will you make a donation of $50, or an amount comfortable for you, today?

This fall, we’re going on the road to provide spiritual and political fortification to movement. We’re traveling to Knoxville, Nashville, Atlanta, St. Louis and New Orleans to connect with local organizers and communities of faith around supporting and loving them. Wondering what this means? In each city, we will be partnering with Black Lives of UU (BLUU) to reach out to and support Black UUs around the country, record stories of local activists who are reviving love through their spirit-rooted organizing, share our Fortify the Movement reflection practices with local activists and bring the healing energy and music of Rev. Sekou and the Holy Ghost and the Band to each stop.

But we can’t do it without your help. Will you donate $50 to #ReviveLove?

With love and solidarity,

Caitlin Breedlove

Campaign Director, Standing on the Side of Love

Fortification Episode 2: Dove Kent

Fortification Episode 2: Dove Kent

We Need You

We Need You