All tagged Creative Justice
Last month we issued a call to join us at the upcoming General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association in Portland, Oregon. We’ve heard back from many of you who are doing some wonderful justice organizing and actions in your communities. So join us! We have one spot left share in our workshop. Read below for all the details, and if you aren’t planning on going to GA, we will share all the great resources afterwards. Stay tuned!
We are excited to announce our upcoming Standing on the Side of Love workshop at that 2015 UUA General Assembly, called: Beacons of Light: Inspire and Fund UU Changemakers. This workshop will be an exciting chance to hear from folks who are on the frontlines of creative change-making, including leaders like Jen Hayman, who together with her congregation at All Souls Church Unitarian DC, helped create a flash mob for voting rights on the steps of the Supreme Court.
We know all of you are committed Love Activists, and we are always looking for ways to bring new folks into our spiritual and justice communities, right? Infusing our justice work with not only love, but the arts and creativity is a phenomenal way to encourage more multigenerational involvement, and pique the interest of folks who may not otherwise get engaged in justice work.
Over the past few months, we have been busy at work creating a brand new website for Standing on the Side of Love. We are excited to let you know that the soft launch of our new site is… today!
Our major goal in redesigning our website is to better provide you with updated resources you can easily access, feel inspired by and bring to your congregations and communities. Last fall, we asked for feedback from the Standing on the Side of Love community on what you want to see next in the campaign and your thoughtful suggestions have guided our work, especially as we have redesigned the website to be more helpful to you!
Many of our colleagues and friends have spent the past few days in Selma Marching in the Arc of Justice as part of the 50th anniversary of the voting rights campaign. We are launching our site with powerful images fresh from Selma, so click here to check it out!