Announcing the Fall Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meetings!

Announcing the Fall Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meetings!

We have some fantastic meetings planned this fall, and we hope to see you all soon!   Join the Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meetings for shared learning and mutual supports with other UUs working to transform our congregations through climate justice.

UU Climate Justice Revivals!

map of US noting locations of UU Climate Justice Revivals. More than 350 congregations are participating.

I know that many of you are busily preparing for your UU Climate Justice Revivals!  Keep up the good work, and remember that if you do the Revival activities as planned, they can serve in place of your Opportunity Assessment!  Win-win!  If you missed it, check out the recording of the UU Climate Justice Revival + GS2030 to learn how these activities overlap and support each other.  

If you haven’t signed up to host a Revival, there’s still time!  Many of our congregations are hosting their Revival later this year or in 2025.  Bonus!  We have mini-grants to support your work!  Sign up today!

New Video Series!  Climate at the Intersections

Explore our video series on Climate Justice at the Intersections, to discover how our climate justice intersects with social justice, economic justice, our UU theology, and more.  So far we have:

Fall Community Meetings

Our meetings will begin and end with some very special guests!  The September meeting, “What do I have to offer?” + the Social Change Ecosystem Framework will feature Deepa Iyer, author of Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection.  Consider this a must-attend training for nourishing impactful Green Sanctuary Teams!  In October, we’ll deepen our understanding of the UU Theological Grounding for Climate Justice with the UUA President, Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, and UUSC President, Rev. Dr. Mary Katherine Morn.  In November, we’ll release the new Green Sanctuary 2030 Materials and the yearly renewal process.  These new materials will be even more manageable and accessible for all of our congregations.  Come get the inside scoop!  We’ll round out the year with the 35th anniversary celebration of the Green Sanctuary program featuring Pres. Sofía.

Register Now!

"What do I have to offer?" + the Social Change Ecosystem Framework

September 18, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET

We all have an important part to play in our congregation! To create a world that liberates all of us, we need each and every one of us. Deepa Iyer's Social Change Ecosystem Framework identifies ten "roles" all working towards and with the values of equity, liberation, justice, and solidarity. This framework is built on the recognition that we all have “innate gifts, lived experiences, learned skills, and formal and informal knowledge that can propel social change.” It also celebrates that we are fluid and adaptable, with our "role" changing from one context to the next. We’re using this framework in the UU Climate Justice Revival and in it can be helpful when bringing together you GS2030 Teams. Learn more about this powerful framework from the author, herself!

We will be giving away 50 copies of the Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection at this event.  You must be present to win.  Sign up today!

UU Theological Grounding for Climate Justice with UUA Pres. Sofía and UUSC Pres. Mary Katherine Morn

October 16, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET

UUs have been at the leading edge of climate action for decades, but how does our faith call us to the work of climate justice? Join the Green Sanctuary 2030 Community for a watch party of the UU Theological Grounding for Climate Justice Fireside Chat with UUA Pres. Sofía and UUSC Pres. Mary Katherine Morn. How does your faith call you to this work? Join the conversation! 

Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Gathering

November 20, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET

Topic TBD

Green Sanctuary Celebration and Call for Renewal with Pres. Sofía Betancourt

December 11, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM ET

Come together to celebrate 35 years of Green Sanctuary! From the 7th Principle Project to Mobilizing for Climate Justice, the Green Sanctuary process has transformed our congregations and our world. Join Pres. Sofía and friends for a celebration of Green Sanctuary and a call for renewal through Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice on Wednesday, December 11 at 4PT - 5MT - 6CT - 7ET.

Upcoming events on abortion, reproductive justice, & access!

Upcoming events on abortion, reproductive justice, & access!

September Create Climate Justice Update: each and every one of us is needed

September Create Climate Justice Update: each and every one of us is needed