Recording and Resources: "What do I have to offer?" + the Social Ecosystem Framework

Recording and Resources: "What do I have to offer?" + the Social Ecosystem Framework

On September 18, we joined Deepa Iyer for our September Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting: “What do I have to offer?” + the Social Ecosystem Framework. Watch the recording here.

We all have an important part to play in our congregation! To create a world that liberates all of us, we need each and every one of us. Deepa Iyer's Social Change Ecosystem Framework identifies ten "roles" all working towards and with the values of equity, liberation, justice, and solidarity. This framework is built on the recognition that we all have “innate gifts, lived experiences, learned skills, and formal and informal knowledge that can propel social change.” It also celebrates that we are fluid and adaptable, with our "role" changing from one context to the next. We’re using this framework in the UU Climate Justice Revival and in it can be helpful when bringing together you GS2030 Teams.

Resources from the meeting:

• View the presentation slides

When I go to the Revival...

When I go to the Revival...

Upcoming events on abortion, reproductive justice, & access!

Upcoming events on abortion, reproductive justice, & access!