To be something new and different

Grateful to bring you our next installment in our bi-weekly messages with a prayer, an ancestor and a song speaking to our spirits. We hope these resources may offer what we need in order to be courageously, steadily, humbly, on the side of love. One ancestor to lean on, one prayer for our messy lives, and one song to strengthen and soothe.


Margaret Moseley (1901-1997) was an African-American Unitarian civil rights activist from Dorchester, MA. Ms. Moseley wanted to pursue nursing and business but entrenched racial discrimination and white supremacy in both fields stopped her from doing either. Moseley would instead go on to be involved in a number of racial and economic justice organizing efforts throughout her life. She helped found the consumers’ cooperative in Boston, served on the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and Freedom House in Roxbury. Ms. Moseley helped found chapters of the NAACP and WILPF in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Moseley was also deeply involved in church governance and leadership including acting as the president of the Community Church in Boston and in number of roles at the Unitarian Church of Barnstable. Read more about Moseley’s leadership and life’s work here and here.

May we know our role, take our rightful place and bring others along wherever we may go. May we honor the legacy of Margaret Moseley in our own journeys for justice.


It may be time to say no to others
To say yes to myself
To recognize that what once made sense may now be senseless
That with new growth also comes shedding
That winter can invite me
into myself
into our commitments
into that which is most sacred

The opportunity of regeneration
To make something new and different
To be something new and different
To leave behind that which no longer serves
To center that which brings joy, clarity, purpose and connection
And nourish the seedlings
As we prepare for spring times ahead


"Winter comes but it doesn’t stay." Our song of the week is Flames and Figures by The Seshen.

Thinking of you,


Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Senior Strategist, Standing on the Side of Love
Nora Rasman, Campaign Manager, Standing on the Side of Love

P.S. We’ve learned so much about the lessons and wisdom of nature from movement leaders and cultural workers past and present. Check out this 2001 conversation between Lucille Clifton and Sonia Sanchez, moderated by Eisa Davis.

Side With Love