Skill Up: Hosting an Event using the Action Center - Recording & Resources

Skill Up: Hosting an Event using the Action Center - Recording & Resources

Our Unitarian Universalist faith calls us to be lifelong learners, and organizing traditions teach that we need to share what we know for our movements to grow.

Our Squad Skill Ups Spring Series 2022 theme is Action Center 101 Soup to Nuts - a monthly series of trainings on organizing skills to help build our UUtheVote and Side with Love Volunteer Squads and help YOU build stronger teams in your congregation and community.

We hope you gained some helpful knowledge on how to promote your local event using the Side with Love Action Center. Local events are an important part of Side with Love’s overall strategy to engage congregations and UU’s in ongoing work for justice and liberation.

Here are the resources from the workshop: 

Week Two of our 30 Days of Love is On!

Week Two of our 30 Days of Love is On!

30 Days of Love 2022 is here!

30 Days of Love 2022 is here!