Upcoming events on abortion, reproductive justice, & access!

Upcoming events on abortion, reproductive justice, & access!

"We build spiritual containers. We tell different stories. We engage one another. We follow frontline leaders. We remind each other [to be with each other] when the world mocks us sometimes for hope; mocks us sometimes for the radical idea that love can guide who we are and how we show up, rather than needing to win at a game that puts some of us ahead of others." - Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt

 Earlier this month, UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt joined our first UU the Vote in-person mobilization in Philadelphia. She was part of a powerful panel on the role of faith organizations in this political moment (watch the entire event at Side With Love’s YouTube) and invited UUs to remember how important it is that we be together in this work; to, in her words, "literally chaplain one another back to the space we are building together."

 Over the next four weeks, we have a number of reproductive justice and access events so we can learn and take action on this critical issue. Two political education events, two phonebanks with partner organizations (one in Florida and one in North Carolina), and our ongoing UPLIFT and UPLIFT Access monthly gatherings. We hope you'll join us at these events where we can chaplain each other, remind each other why we're letting love guide us, and tell different stories about the world we want to live in.

Woven Together: Religion & Reproductive Justice

Political Education Series from SACReD

Tuesdays this fall 7-8:30pm ET

SACReD is a national alliance of multiracial, multifaith, multiethnic, mixed gender and sexual identity religious leaders, congregations, movement organizations, activists, academics, and directly impacted communities collaborating to advance Reproductive Justice through congregational education, culture change, community building, and direct service.

Join SACReD for a 6-part virtual learning series this fall! 

 As we shift the culture to make Reproductive Justice a lived reality, we recognize that our political, religious, and reproductive lives are all woven together. We are watching the forces of White Christian Nationalism threaten our families and our communities every day. We are bringing together experts to cover the legal, political, theological, and cross-movement intersections of religion and reproductive justice. When we understand how all of our struggles are inextricably linked, we can continue to deepen our solidarity in the pursuit of liberation and justice for all.

 Accessing this series is free, with a suggested donation of $25 per workshop, or $150 for the full series.

UU the Vote & Yes on 4! Virtual Phone Bank

Thursday, September 26 at 3 – 5pm EDT

Help us grow our movement to limit government interference with abortion!

 Florida's proposed Amendment 4 creates a state constitutional amendment that explicitly blocks the implementation of laws that prohibit, delay, or restrict abortion access.

On Thursday, Sept 26, you're invited to join Yes on 4 and UU the Vote for a virtual phone bank session. We'll connect to voters to invite them to take action and support Yes on 4 this election cycle. No experience is necessary, we will provide training and support to you while you make calls. Your personal information is protected and all calls are made through the dialer system. We'll have fun and promise the conversations you have with voters will energize you!

Unapologetic Abortion Access: Skill Training with Avow Texas

Monday, September 30, 2024 8pm ET - 9:30pm ET

Join us for a virtual workshop with Caroline Duble, Political Director of Avow Texas, to talk about abortion.

Defuse extremist talking points and develop skills to use in one-on-one conversations. We are particularly enthusiastic to invite UU reproductive justice organizers and activists and folks living in states with abortion ballot measures this November.

Talking about abortion is the first step to busting stigma, stopping harmful restrictions, and expanding access.

 Learn how to have deeper conversations about abortion that are rooted in values and facts. 

North Carolina Abortion Rights Interfaith Phone Bank

Tuesday, October 8 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT

Join Side With Love, UU Justice NC, Pro-Choice North Carolina, and Carolina Jews for Justice for a phonebank calling North Carolina voters. The future of abortion access in North Carolina is on the line this election! Even though there isn't a ballot initiative, abortion is absolutely on the ballot in NC, because those we elect will either defend and advance abortion access, or keep banning it. People of faith are coming together to send a powerful message that reproductive rights are aligned with our values, so let's get on the phones and turn-out pro abortion voters this fall!

UPLIFT Access Resource Webinar

October 17 at 12pm - 1:30pm ET

Our loving faith calls us to honor the inherent rights and dignity of all people and to fight forms of oppression wherever we find it.

However, disabled people (who make up 26% of the population) regularly find ourselves pushed to the margins, being denied our needs, and not receiving the radical welcome UU’s aspire to provide to all members.

Lay leaders, religious professionals, and allies are invited to join us for our monthly lunchtime webinars where you can learn how to be more accessible and inclusive of your congregation’s disabled members and visitors.

UPLIFT Trans/Nonbinary Monthly Gathering

September 24 at 8pm ET

Join the UPLIFT monthly gatherings for trans, nonbinary, and other not-entirely-or-at-all-cis UUs and friends of UUism. Join us to connect with other trans/nonbinary+ UUs and co-create support and community across our faith. All you need to bring is yourself (and other trans/nonbinary friends, if you’d like)!

This is a drop-in space, where folks can come and go as works best for them, and where people can join us at any time. You can be a regular or someone new, someone who's been curious for a while but hasn't yet checked us out, somebody who is rejoining after time away, and all other ways of relating to this space! You are welcome here, and you are loved.

Climate at the Intersections: Climate Justice is Gender Justice

In our newest video in our Climate at the Intersections series, Side With Love Climate Justice Organizer Rachel Myslivy and UU Women's Federation National Organizer Antoinette Scully explore how climate is a gender justice issue. 

Recording and Resources: "What do I have to offer?" + the Social Ecosystem Framework

Recording and Resources: "What do I have to offer?" + the Social Ecosystem Framework

Announcing the Fall Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meetings!

Announcing the Fall Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meetings!