Recording: “Moral Obligations Transcending Legal Codes” : The Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion

Recording: “Moral Obligations Transcending Legal Codes” : The Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion

Before the landmark 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade made abortion legal across the United States, clergy from a wide variety of religious traditions developed a coordinated, skilled, responsive underground network that supported people experiencing "problem pregnancies" to access abortion care from trustworthy doctors and medical professionals. This network of more than 1400 clergy and hundreds of providers -- which included many Unitarian Universalists -- helped hundreds of thousands of people access safe abortions before the Roe decision.

Now, we look back at the Clergy Consultation Service to learn so we can prepare and coordinate to take risks again for reproductive justice. Let's learn our history to plan for our future.

Resources Mentioned

 If you were in the Clergy Consultation Service or were helped by them and want to share your story with Dr. Gillian Frank, please feel free to reach out at gfrank @

Ready to Take Action?

Organize your congregational team to engage with our Reproductive Justice Congregational Organizing Series for Teams 2023. This three-session series includes all the resources and grounding for creating an accountable organizing plan.

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We're Hiring! Be our Democracy Strategist!

 End the Era of Fossil Fuels Mobilization for UUs, June 2023

End the Era of Fossil Fuels Mobilization for UUs, June 2023