Announcing Nicole Pressley as Organizing Strategy Director!

Announcing Nicole Pressley as Organizing Strategy Director!

I am thrilled to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share some exciting news.

As of March 1, I have been promoted to the position of Organizing Strategy Director on our Side With Love team. It's an incredibly meaningful step for me personally, and I am eager to continue serving our community in this capacity.

You may already be aware that Rev. Ashley Horan has transitioned into the role of Vice President of Programs and Ministry, providing strategic support to President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt and the UUA in advancing our shared mission. Rev. Horan's tenure as Organizing Strategy Director has been marked by tremendous growth, culminating in the consolidation of our issue programs (UU the Vote, Create Climate Justice, UPLIFT Action, and Love Resists) under the Side With Love umbrella. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Rev. Horan and eagerly anticipate the impact she will make in her new role.

My journey at the UUA began in 2020 when I joined as the National Organizer for UU the Vote. In the face of significant political challenges, we embraced innovation, fostered new relationships, and adapted our strategies to meet the moment.

In subsequent years, as Side With Love’s Field and Programs Director, I have worked to strengthen our infrastructure, nurture partnerships, and coordinate collective action across our core issues.

While our communities continue to grapple with the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic and the erosion of democratic norms, I remain steadfast in my belief that we are stronger and more resilient than ever before. Through my fifteen years of organizing, I have come to understand that our commitment to justice transcends socio-political fluctuations and conditions. 

During the emergence of Covid-19, UU the Vote became the largest activation of Unitarian Universalists in the history of our faith. Our advocacy for bodily autonomy draws from our legacies in abolition and the women’s suffrage movement, extending to Uplift Action work proclaiming that every body is sacred. As we confront the climate crisis, we are revitalizing Green Sanctuary and reimagining how we do this urgent work together in a national Climate Justice Revival in September to catalyze a widespread denominational commitment to transforming our congregations and communities through climate justice.   While the criminal legal system continues to claim lives and devastate families, we have mobilized efforts to close detention centers and counter rising fascist tactics in the campaign to Stop Cop City. 

It is this steadfast dedication that sustains our justice movements through adversity and uncertainty.  And the relationships and communities we build are the manifestation of what we are fighting for: whole, just, and thriving communities centered in liberating love. 

At the heart of our work lies the profound power of love. Love serves as both a catalyst for action and a source of solace for our communities in times of need. In these times where we are told the lie that our individual thriving requires someone else's suffering, love is the promise of Beloved Community, where all of us are whole and worthy.

Side With Love embodies this transformative vision. It is more than a slogan; it is a call to moral clarity and collective action. It is a bold invitation to be who we say we are.  Today, as the world around us continues to grapple with crises fueled by hatred and indifference, we have a moral mandate to embody the principles of justice and compassion in all that we do. Together, we can be the architects of a more just and equitable future. Now is the time for us to embody the promise of our faith, and I believe that we are ready. 

I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and partnership. I am so proud to do this work with you and with the amazing staff team who has stewarded this work with brilliance and care. 

I am excited to continue this journey together and look forward to the incredible work that lies ahead.

With deep appreciation and solidarity,

Nicole Pressley
Organizing Strategy Director

Connect with Side With Love

Join me at the next Side With Love Monthly Mixer on Monday, April 15 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET. Our monthly mixer is a time to connect with one another, build community across issues, and have some facetime with our staff. We know these times ask a lot of us and that we need one another to stay in the work with hope, joy, impact, and accountability. Join us if you are doing the work on the ground, if you are showing up for and with Side with Love, and/or if you are just learning about Side with Love. 

Join UU the Vote 2024

UU the Vote is our campaign for democracy and electoral justice, grounded in Unitarian Universalist values. With UU the Vote we’re organizing on the state and local levels to fight for fair elections, advance voting rights, protect abortion access, and resist the targeting and criminalization of Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities.

Excited to join UU the Vote but need some support with your work? Confused about what electoral work is “allowed” for non-profits? Want help finding a local partner to work with? Join us at Getting Started with UU the Vote: Community Gathering on Thursday, April 18 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET as we talk through some of the first steps to making a plan.

Join our UU Climate Revival, Sept 28 - 29, 2024!

Register Your Congregation Now to participate September 28-29, 2024!

Join with hundreds of sibling congregations across the continent for our national UU Climate Revival, offering inspiring collective worship, creative learning, and new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice.

The UU Climate Revival will equip UU congregations to enter into a new era of climate action—one that intentionally and faithfully breaks down silos and cultivates relationships that lead to flourishing collaborations that transform our congregations through climate justice.

Open to every UU congregation of every size and budget, we will provide facilitation toolkits, training, music, projects, coordinated justice action and more! Find out more at

Nonbinary Parents Day and May Programming from UPLIFT!

Nonbinary Parents Day and May Programming from UPLIFT!

We are called to re-imagine what it means to do climate justice work in community

We are called to re-imagine what it means to do climate justice work in community