Introducing the Unitarian Universalist Issue Guide: Abortion and Reproductive Justice
With abortion rights under threat of continued erosion, we’re equipping Unitarian Universalists with the information, framing, and assistance needed to enable you to fight for those rights effectively and advance a broader Reproductive Justice paradigm. We’ve just published a guide to provide an easily-navigated reference that helps you make an impact defending and advancing abortion rights, including authoritative sources, key legal history, messaging ideas, UU landmarks and more.
To make it readily updatable, and easy for users to navigate, excerpt, or print, the primer is offered via Google Doc. You are welcome to repurpose and excerpt, provided attribution to the Unitarian Universalist Association is noted (and linked, for online matierial). We invite your input on any ways to improve this primer, or requests for support on other topics of interest to you. We will update this document periodically as major developments occur.
See the Unitarian Universalist Association Issue Guide: Abortion and Reproductive Rights
See other tools from Side With Love:
UPLIFT Action congregational action guide
Action Center with links to resources on all our justice priorities
Guides to Public Outreach through letters to the editor and guest commentaries
Why Side With Loves speaks of Reproductive Justice