Green Sanctuary Program
Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice provides structure, leadership and support, in broad collaboration, for the UU faith community to engage in an ambitious environmental and climate justice movement that seeks to live fully our principles and achieve our vision of a sustainable and just world for all.
Monthly Community Meetings
These meetings will celebrate success, build capacity for teams, elevate how the local context of oppression shapes our climate action, and the ways the Green Sanctuary 2030 process supports our work on climate justice, community resilience, congregational transformation, and mitigation - all balanced with the faith-filled call to impactful action on climate.
Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 4PT - 5MT - 6CT - 7ET.
The Green Sanctuary 2030 (GS2030) process includes four campaigns:
Congregational Transformation
Adaptation and Resilience
You can approach the campaigns all at once, one at a time, or in groupings, depending on your capacity, strengths, areas for improvement, and interest. Determine what you feel like you can manage, go at a reasonable pace, build on each accomplishment, and commit to ongoing action!
Congregations can engage in the GS2030 process with the goal of accreditation or simply to advance climate justice in the ways that make the most sense with your capacity.
Important links
GS2030 and Climate Justice Updates
Green Sanctuary 2030 Process
Subscribe to GS2030 email list
Review the GS2030 materials in the Green Sanctuary 2030 Google Drive Folder, which includes A. Application Documents, B. Resources, C. Orientation, and other documents to help you navigate the process.