Become a Local Love Congregation

Build Community, Build Power. Meet every moment together.

Local Love Congregations are congregations committed to a process of deep coaching to adopt justice ministries that are rooted in local partnerships and community power building. These are congregations whose ministries:

  1. Sustain local partnerships to build community capacity & resilience.

  2. Center abolition with restorative justice and decriminalization frameworks.

  3. Prioritize collective liberation in financial investments & practices.

  4. Activate networks of radical learning, care, and accompaniment.

Local Love Congregations & their leadership engage in deep coaching & consulting with our Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team, as well as key collaborators & partners. Over a period of 6-12 months, they are supported as they complete internal congregational assessments and broader community mapping, partner identification & relationship building, goal setting & evaluation procedures, and capacity & ministry development.

Individuals from interested congregations are invited to complete this to learn more about this consulting process and to receive a message from our Congregational Justice Organizer for a preliminary conversation. Priority will be given to inquiries submitted by multiple congregational members or leaders interested in learning more.

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